Walking in tune with Mother Earth’s Heartbeat

 On December 8th we have a Full Moon in Gemini.  At this Full Moon the Moon sits exactly with Mars; they could not get any more exact!  Mars represents the warrior energy, courage, bravery, the pioneer, anger, assertion, aggressive behaviour.  In mundane astrology the Sun represents kings and leaders and the Moon the people.   So we can see the Moon here potentially set in opposition with her leaders – she is in warrior mode.  Gemini is a particularly ‘mental’ sign, and we see Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, in more practical Capricorn on a ‘world’ point.   We could expect to see anxiety, irritability and feelings of unrest, but not just confined to the UK.  Because Mercury is on a world point, it is showing itself globally all around the world in the form of protests against heavy government control, potentially underhand dealings in Brazil and strikes for better wages because of horrendous inflation.   In the West, we have been accustomed to freedoms and, in the main, a certain standard of living.  We have endured controls and lockdowns, the likes of which we could not have imagined beforehand; and we see governments who dance to the tune of institutions such as the World Economic Forum and their corporate stakeholder partners, whose profitability is increasing at the people’s expense. Jupiter is about to change signs into Aries where he also will be on a world point in a square aspect to Mercury.  This implies more and bigger protests to come.

In Gemini, Mars tells us that this is a war more concentrated on words rather than fisticuffs.   He is retrograde, so he is looking back and taking a better look at why he is so frustrated.   He is also what astrologers call ‘out of bounds’; Mars is feeling as though the chains and gloves are now off.   He is a maverick and we, the people, must use his energy; and use it in a determined focussed and practical way – a way that makes the energy count (Mercury in Capricorn on the world point).  Just for now though we may be a little uncertain as to exactly which way to go and we must, therefore, turn inwards and use our intuition because it's hard to get away from the ‘Clownworld’ of a Moon/Mars square Neptune.

Maybe since the lunar eclipse you have noticed an ‘atmosphere’ of greater anxiety; maybe you or friends and family have been experiencing more headaches.  I have certainly noticed this.  We are still within the energy of the lunar eclipse when Mars was much closer in aspect to the more confusing, clownworld nature of the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction.  And this last lunar eclipse was particularly powerful – it was a total eclipse and was long-lasting - its energy could be in effect for up to six months.

Remember astrology does not cause - it reflects - so this Full Moon is reflecting a sense of angst and unrest, whilst also prodding the people to have some courage to look forward to a new although different future than they would have perhaps been expecting.   The Moon at the lunar eclipse in November was sitting exactly with Uranus and the North Node (the new and our destiny), whilst this Full Moon sits with Mars (courage).  Full Moons reveal and bring situations into focus – we must look forward to a new future with courage.  As the Saturn/Uranus square finally begins to break and Saturn will in Spring next year move into a sign where he has less power, we must follow Uranus and the new.  The Saturn/Uranus square was signalling that there will be no more ‘old normal’.

Uranus is ‘electric’ in nature so with that in mind and, connecting with the Gemini energy of this lunar phase that reflects my personal curiosity overload of Gemini in my own chart, I am led towards investigating the Schumann Resonance – the heartbeat of the Earth to which our brains and our bodies resonate. 

Both the Sun and the Earth produce a magnetic field – indeed we are electromagnetic beings and are sensitive to the magnetic energy produced.  The Earth’s magnetic field protects us from cosmic radiation and the charged particles emitted by the Sun; it also provides the basis for navigation.  The Sun has a roughly 11-year solar cycle where its magnetic field flips during each one.  The Sun’s activity is characterised by sunspots and coronal mass ejections, some cycles seeing very little activity and some much more.  Solar Cycle 25 began in December 2019, with solar maximum predicted to occur midway, between November 2024 and March 2026 – more or less the point in the summer of 2025 when we have a big line up of planets all in early degrees of their signs, heralding new beginnings.  So far, the Sun has been much more active than predicted; more activity on the Sun’s surface means more solar flares and solar eruptions, which put more charged particles into space.  In the last few years, the atomic clocks have also shown that the rotation of the Earth is speeding up and we could be beginning a 50-year period of shorter days. 

 The Schumann resonance represents the frequency of the Earth’s electromagnetic field, pulsating at 7.83 Hz, which the ancient Indian Rishis referred to it as OHM – the frequency of pure sound - an alpha/theta brainwave frequency in the human brain, which is a relaxed, dreamy, sleepy state.   This is when cell regeneration and healing happens.  The frequency has been associated with high levels of hypnotisability, suggestibility and meditation state, as well as an increase in human growth hormone and cerebral blood flow levels.  Schumann resonances, named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann in 1952, occur because the space between the surface of the earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed cavity.  At any given time there are about 2000 thunderstorms around the globe and lightning discharges are considered to be the primary natural source of Schumann excitation.  So it would seem that our nervous system is influenced by the earth’s electromagnetic field and this would be the reason why being within nature has such healing properties. The Schumann Resonance also has the power to affect the endocrine system – the pineal gland, the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus.  All this in turn has a knock-on effect on our biological clock and our immune system through the T-Lymphocites.

However, there have been instances in more recent years when increased levels of the Schumann resonance have been recorded – sometimes up to 36 HZ.  What does this mean to us as inhabitants of Mother Earth? According to neuroscience, frequency recordings of 36+Hz in the human brain are more associated with a stressed nervous system than a relaxed and healthy one. 

This current era in our civilisation was heralded by the Jupiter/Saturn great conjunction at 0 degrees of Aquarius in December 2020 - the very beginning of an Aquarian cycle at a time when we are beginning to leave the Age of Pisces to enter the Age of Aquarius.   Were Jupiter and Saturn the trumpeting heralds? Aquarius itself is symbolised by both the water bearer and by two wavy lines, perhaps symbolising waves of energy or waves of water.  Now it might seem weird to have an Air sign symbolised by water, but water is the symbol of purification.  Are we entering an age that is more ‘electric’ or technological in nature?  Or, dare I say, might there be some extra-terrestrial disclosure? But will it be more purifying?

Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus – a weird combination I always think.  Saturn represents being responsible and laying down structures whilst Uranus’ energy is both innovative and non-conforming.   The Uranus side can also signal a kind of ‘cutting off from source’ energy, which may be enhanced by the rise of technology – I always find it very rude the way people talk to poor old Alexa.   Aquarian energy can be overly rational, and its positioning opposite the sign of Leo could lead to a difficulty in accessing our heart energy. We can’t ignore this technological era, but we must ensure that we do not become unfeeling digitised slaves who are cut off from the essence of being human.  It will become more important to consciously take advantage of the purifying element of Aquarius in order to raise our consciousness, our awareness and our personal frequency in a responsible and moral (Saturn) fashion. 

Aquarius represents the group and group energies are very powerful – group prayer, group meditation, the community. Some scholars also believe that humans, when acting on a ‘collective consciousness’ level, can affect the magnetic field, which could explain the power of prayer and group meditations.  In Spring 2023 we have Pluto dipping his toe briefly into Aquarian energy before he fully enters in 2025.  As I have said before, this is humanity’s upgrade opportunity as Pluto echoes the Jupiter/Saturn great conjunction of 2020.   The Pluto in Capricorn era has reflected just how the hugely influential corporate entities are hijacking and monetising our Earth (and our governments) in a way that has tried to digitise and ‘de-soul’ humanity (Saturn square Uranus).

We currently have Uranus in Taurus.  Uranus speaks of shocks, disruptive events, sudden changes.  Taurus for me is the sign most connected with the Earth, with Gaia.   What can we make of that?   Is something happening within our Earth that is perhaps reflected in our disconnection to Nature?   Is the Schumann Resonance being affected – perhaps by the much higher frequency rates of our cell phones and TVs?  Recently we have seen reports of animals walking round and round in circles for no obvious reason. Animals have an instinctive connection to the rhythms of the Earth – they are unified with Gaia – an instinct that humans once possessed.  Animals know when they are endangered by a tsunami or similar Earth event.  What do the animals sense now that we cannot as yet explain? I honestly don’t know – I guess I am wondering out loud.  Any ideas would be gratefully received.  Is something going on within the Earth that doesn’t bode well for humanity, or might it help us to raise our vibration?

If humanity is to survive we must once again regard ourselves as a part of Nature and not continually put ourselves in opposition.   The Earth vibrates to its own healing resonance and contains its own sacred geometry where important ritualistic buildings have been situated and built with their own sacred geometry.   It can be no coincidence that the Earth’s rhythm is one of healing and cell regeneration.  There is so much healing power held within the ancient wisdoms without which we will be so much poorer spiritually, mentally and physically.   In line with the energy of the two planets that rule Aquarius we must ensure we retain the old wisdom (Saturn) and combine it with the new (Uranus).  This is a Full Moon in Gemini; Gemini is curious, so it networks and connects.  And it is not just Mars that is maverick – both Mercury, ruler of this Full Moon, and Venus, planet of love and ruler of Taurus earth energy – are also ‘out of bounds’.  And, of course, Uranus is always the maverick.  This is an energy of ‘re-connection’ to heal, to love, to think in a different way and to put energy into healing after the enforced lockdowns and isolation that we now know to have been so damaging. It is an energy to be much more of a maverick as opposed to following the crowd.  It may be cold but go barefoot on the grass, be with nature, maybe even have a purifying swim.  Enjoy time spent with the tribe or group – especially in combination with group prayer or meditation. It is an energy to disconnect from both city life and the assault on our senses of modern media and TV by going into more natural surroundings to slow our stressed brain waves.



Let’s get serious


The Egos play God