The Egos play God

On November 23rd we have the first of five new moons at either one or zero degrees of a sign.   Two of these will be exactly on what we call ‘world’ points, signifying that they will likely have some kind of global, rather than just individual, significance – the first just before Christmas on December 23rd in Capricorn and then on March 21st in Aries.   The Capricorn New Moon falls just two days after the Winter Solstice, whilst the March New Moon falls two days after the Spring Equinox.  Both very key dates in the annual cycle.  These early degrees of signs represent young, raw energy – just like puppy dogs there is a lot to learn about the ramifications of their power and ability; on the plus side they have the energy and enthusiasm of youth.

 Andre Barbault was a very gifted astrologer who demonstrated graphically the fluctuations of amalgamated planetary cycles.   Through this he demonstrated the highs and the lows - the lows coinciding with such events as the Fall of Rome and the two World Wars.  We are now sitting at the very bottom of a low in the graph.   We are finally there!  Although it may take time still, there is only way to go now – and that is upwards.

 This next series of five New Moons at the beginning of signs takes us through to the start of a change in the background energy as Saturn and Pluto begin to change signs in the Spring of 2023.  That is very important to note.  In early 2024 Jupiter meets Uranus – potentially a large shocking event may take us way out of our comfort zones.  And then in Summer 2025 we see the much greater change in collective energy.  It is at this point that, from the planet Venus moving outwards, we see seven planets all in early degrees of the signs.  This includes the outer planets - humanity’s software upgrade - and Jupiter/Saturn – the socio-economic benchmarks.  This signifies a new beginning at the end of a long dark tunnel.

 This upcoming New Moon is at 1 degree Sagittarius, with both the Sun and Moon making a very harmonious aspect (albeit out of sign) to ruler Jupiter.  Jupiter is strong in Pisces, the other sign he rules, and he is standing still, ready to travel direct, making him even more powerful.  Astrology covers the whole gamut of multiple meanings – from the negative to the positive and we have to look at all sides.  At this New Moon chart, we see Sagittarian issues overlaid with a Pisces type attitude.   The chart promises much, but that’s what Jupiter does – he likes to be seen as both the wise guru and the great philanthropist, but he often does not fully deliver on what he promises.    His problem is his ego – he is over-confident, he over-promises, over-eggs and overdoes everything - he often chooses to believe the false praise given out by his sycophantic followers.

 Jupiter is the largest and brightest planet that we can see in the sky.   Jupiter is symbolic Zeus who from his mountain palace surveyed all the lands he ruled over – hence his desire to operate from the bigger picture.  That can be a very good thing, but Jupiter tends to make big assumptions and, therefore, he takes risks. Sometimes this works really well in his favour, mainly because he is associated with luck, but sometimes he overlooks the important detail, jumps to conclusions and his luck runs out. 

 Sagittarius is generally upbeat, optimistic – a glass half full attitude rather than Saturn’s glass half empty.   Sagittarius epitomises the search for the truth, the need for freedom and the desire for adventure – all of which has been sadly lacking from our more recent lives – the important thing has been instead that we ‘stayed safe’.   But if we are truly to live life then life is never just safe.  Sagittarius also has relevance to the law, to higher learning and to higher consciousness and higher philosophical thinking.   Sagittarius is connected to the 9th house – the house of religion, the house of God and the house of meditation and high spiritual practices.  Because Jupiter/Zeus looked down on his kingdom he relates to foreign lands; he could be seen essentially as Mr. Big - the first Mr. Global.    

 And the Pisces side … Jupiter currently sits with Neptune and what do you get when you have the two rulers of Pisces together?   Pisces energy on steroids!  This is the ideological dreamer, the compassionate rescuer, the person for whom there are no boundaries.   And both Jupiter and Neptune are in a square to Mars.   Mars could make Jupiter’s actions even more hasty and more over the top, and, with the Pisces/Neptune involvement, always expect some kind of deviance from the truth.  Neptune can give the most amazing powers of creativity and spirituality, yet at the same time the ability to cover up what’s really happening.  Wherever you see Jupiter you see expansion and largesse and wherever you see Neptune, you will likely see clouding, confusion, distortion of the truth and, therefore, deception and lies.  This energy is epitomised by many of the ‘God-playing’ philanthropic organisations led by the likes of Gates, Clinton and Blair for instance.

 So, with this in mind, we could be looking at the biggest con, the biggest financial crash, the biggest fraud and money laundering situation or the biggest self-sacrifice, or sacrifice within humanity, for an ideological goal.   Or indeed we could be seeing the biggest period of empathetic spirituality, caring for the underdog and the rise of new religion.   Jupiter can be the biggest bullshitter, taking hypocrisy to another level.  For this you need only look at COP27 descended on by so many Mr. Bigs in their private jets to preach that we need to achieve net zero – ‘we’ as in the common man and not the Mr. Bigs - an impossible target without suffering on the part of the everyday person for a very Jupiterian assumption.  When Jupiter’s nature is hugely inflated he can play God – he can believe he knows best and what God would want.     

 Kissinger in 1995 said “Who controls the food supply controls the people.  Who controls the energy can control continents.  Who controls the money can control the world”.   One of the biggest ‘God-playing’ organisations going is surely the World Economic Forum, who represents lots of Mr. Bigs - politicians, governments, philanthropists, corporate partners/stakeholders, celebrities and the global elites.  They all pay to be part of this club founded by Klaus Schwab, who was mentored by and still is big long-time buddy of Henry Kissinger.  The tentacles of this organisation pervade heads of state, governments, corporates, media, technology, big pharma.   Presently bankrupt crypto exchange FTX are listed as ‘partners’ within the World Economic Forum and as such they complied with WEF principles.  The repercussions of the FTX fraud/bankruptcy could really domino and be even bigger than Enron.   Make of this what you will, but it has perhaps done the desired job of being a deterrent to many who might see crypto as a way towards monetary independence. 

 The WEF masquerades as an organisation that desires to save the world through their main agenda of climate change goals, when in fact climate change is just a guise to bring in a new digitised economic system.  But once you have more money than you can ever possibly spend the only ‘fix’ left is power; the power of a New World Order, where these elites can play God.   The one threat to them is the freedom of the masses – hence technocratic control cloaking not just the Internet of Things but also the Internet of Bodies.

 This is a New Moon of Fire.  Fire has vision, enthusiasm, imagination and oomph.   We so need that energy of Fire together with the puppy dog energy of enthusiasm.   Five New Moons in a row in the first degrees say we must start something new.   The bottoming of a cycle says that there is only one way forward and that is upwards.  The old has had its day.   Our money system is out of control, benefiting only the elites.   And a New Moon in Sagittarius says that we must operate from a point of scanning the bigger picture so that we can see through the veiling of the truth, whilst keeping our consciousness at a high level. 

 Now we can reach our decisions in two ways - from fear or from love, even if the love bit seems beyond hard.  A Fire sign must come from love and with Jupiter in the picture we must find that spark of the divine within us and expand; expand our heart centres. Individually we are little - we can’t fight equally on the same battlefield as money and power.  Jupiter (expansion) always has to work with Saturn (limitations and moral responsibility) – these two must be in balance like a seesaw if they are to truly act as the bridge between our individual lives and the outer planets that represent the collective.   So long as we use Saturn to stay real, Jupiter can be the wisest of gurus.   ‘Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm’.[1]  What dreams and visions can we actually manifest?  What can we achieve and actually put in place that will truly benefit us?   Small steps to climb up the ladder back into the light but each small step up is one for us.  We may be facing lies and deceit (Mars square Neptune) but the only action is to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions (Mars trine Saturn).

 We are out of the Saturn/Uranus square but still within its energy and influence, which speaks of taking our own responsibility for making changes from a future oriented aspect.    We can get involved in the alternative systems that are being set up – things such as the People’s Health Alliance and the Peoples Farming Alliance now that both our health services and our food supplies are being so severely challenged.   I buy my eggs from a local guy who bypasses the supermarkets and delivers freshly laid eggs to my door weekly.   These eggs come from happy hens because at the forefront of his mind is looking after his ‘girls’ because they are his living.   Buy food from local producers and join ‘veg growing’ and seed/veg swap groups.  Or maybe even set something up yourself.  Doing these kinds of things allows meeting a like-minded tribe which can be mentally nurturing and keep us strong – small things with big benefits. 

 Mr Big tells you his philanthropic efforts will keep you safe, all whilst his own money and power grows accordingly.  Remember though that the sheep were told the wolf was their enemy and so they spent their lives constantly fearing it.   Then came the day they arrived at the abattoir, and only then did it dawn on them that they should really have been fearing the shepherd. 


[1] Proverbs 13:20


Walking in tune with Mother Earth’s Heartbeat


The Road to Hell is Paved with Deception