The Road to Hell is Paved with Deception

 The lunar eclipse on November 8th falls at 16 Taurus and during this crazy eclipse energy season in the UK we have seen two monarchs, three Prime Ministers and an economic crisis.  This eclipse coincides exactly with the US mid-term elections and yet another Climate Conference – COP27.  America, the number one superpower, is also going through its Pluto return, severely challenging the validity of its superpower status, so expecting the unexpected just as Trump jumps back in the ring has become very interesting.

 In my last blog at the Solar Eclipse, I focussed on how I felt that we are in the midst of a technocratic takeover, something which has been in the planning for decades.  This technocratic ideology has gathered popularity within the ‘intelligentsia’ and the moneyed elites and was warned about by Aldous Huxley in Brave New Worldin the early 1930’s.[1]  Patrick Wood, an expert on technocracy, has said that ‘technocracy is to the transformation of society as transhumanism is to the transformation of the people who would live in it’.[2]  This last blog was pretty much ghosted out of existence – so thanks Facebook that was actually a gift to me confirming that I am finally joining the dots.

 A lunar eclipse is really just an extremely powerful Full Moon, where the Sun and Moon lie opposite each other.  A chart of opposites basically encourages us to look at things from the point of view of another, a quality that seems highly elusive in today’s self-centred world.   We can see the very tense energies of this lunar eclipse reflected in the extreme tensions being experienced currently here on Earth.   As above, so below.  The Sun (leaders, monarchs) sits with Venus (finances), Mercury (voice and communication) and the South Node (where we have come from and what we need to leave behind), whilst the Moon (the people, our inner needs) sits with Uranus (disruption, forward looking change) and the North Node (future destiny).  

 The Sun is in deep, dark Scorpio whilst the Moon is in Taurus.   What does this tell us?   For a start both Scorpio and the Moon are in fixed signs – they are all far too busy digging in their heels to see the side of the other any time soon.   Scorpio buries all its secrets down in its murky depths, seeking to control and exert its power.   The Sun has forms of communication, such as the media (Mercury), and the bankers (Venus) totally at his mercy - for now that is!!  And, just to add to the sheer tension of this chart, both ends of the opposition are in a dynamic square aspect to Saturn in Aquarius (another fixed sign) – so everyone is having their strings pulled but no-one wants to budge.  The Moon (the people) has Uranus, one of the Sky Gods and bringer of huge change, shocks and disruption and the North Node (destiny) on her side – but Taurus as a sign only wants the easy life with no stress.  For now, the safety and the security (Taurus) of the Moon (the people) is threatened by the leaders who have captured the Moon’s Queen – Venus.   Saturn as the focal point of the dynamic of this eclipse is saying ‘be patient – this is going to take time to unravel.

 I think that the people are in for some shocks before we really catch on to the idea that unwelcome change will be forced upon us if we don’t grasp our power and just say - ‘no more’. But, as I also said, Saturn squares this eclipse and so the people are first going to have to face reality.  Whatever the bad publicity Saturn gets, he is our teacher and, in my opinion, he is essentially moral, unless of course he has become Satan.  Even if he is taken over by Satan he might be powerful and strong now, but he loses that power in Spring next year.  We the people have to realise that change is needed and that we are the 99%.

 Saturn as our teacher needs us to look at what is real, and the reality is that our old way of life has left us.   We cannot go back to the old; we sorely need a change - the current financial system is broken because the burden of debt caused by corrupt leaders now weighs far too heavy to be sustained. So much of what we hold dear traditionally has become totally corrupted and, courtesy of the bankers’ friend our new PM in the UK, there is a desire to have digital currency weighted in favour of the technocrats forced upon us.  

 Just to go a bit deeper into this lunar eclipse chart, the Scorpio planets (Sun, Venus, Mercury) are under the control of Mars (ruler of Scorpio) – the planet of war, aggression, energy and assertion.   Mars is currently in Gemini, retrograde, ‘out of bounds’ and squaring Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces – not a great place for Mars to be.  This is a weak Mars and a weak Mars will just keep trying to punch his way out of a mess.   He is also a very duplicitous Mars who cannot be trusted, and this is the force behind our leaders in whom we are being asked to put our trust.  Gemini symbolises speech, the voice, communication, curiosity – all these things have been commandeered, censored and, if we end up in a totally digital financial world, they are not telling you that they will have the power to control your money should you dare to not to believe the narrative.

 This is already happening.   A British journalist in the Donbass area of the Ukraine has been sanctioned and his assets and bank accounts in the UK frozen simply for reporting what he considers to be the facts from that area – they just happen to differ from those peddled by the BBC.[3]  In Canada Prime Minister Trudeau froze the truckers’ bank accounts because they dared to protest against the government-imposed health mandates.   David Icke may be very much a ‘marmite’ character, but is it right that because of his ‘reptilian’ views he is now banned from entering anywhere in the Schengen area for two years and is classed as a terrorist?   What happened to freedom of thought and speech?  What happened to innocent until proven guilty?   

And this is how atrocities begin - little by little.  The ideology of a technocracy ruled world began to find popularity from the 1930’s following on from the severe circumstances of the Great Depression.  The Scientific Revolution had already debunked any idea of a universe alive with energies – only science could provide the real answers. And then the ‘scientising’ of human behaviour gathered force.   Governments came to realise that in order to win wars, especially with larger and larger populations, the battlefield they needed to fight became the one for the human mind.   The British Cabinet Office's 'Nudge' programme[4] is not only real - it has been running for several years with funding running into the millions; it is so effective the applied behavioural technology has been sold overseas.  “Behaviour Change” is part of policy-making and influencing behaviour is central to public policy. The UK government's own 'Mindspace' document says that people will be changed but will either not be aware of the fact or they will not know how they have been changed.[5]  ‘Government can act as surrogate willpower .. but our real intentions are not always clear.  Mindspace is pervasive’.   This view is shared by NATO who state that ‘In cognitive warfare, the human mind becomes the battlefield. The aim is to change not only what people think, but how they think and act’.…  an opponent could conceivably subdue a society without resorting to outright force or coercion.[6]  So here we are at a point where we know that it is possible to lock down the whole world.   The goal became infiltrating governments with these ideologies via politicians and Big Money; then you have a world walking in lockstep and populations who think that because this is clearly a global policy it must be right.  

George Orwell in his novel 1984 popularised the idea of ‘double think’ and ‘Newspeak’.[7]  Doublethink is the ability to maintain two contradictory ideas in one's head simultaneously and believe them both to be true.  We have seen this a lot over the last two+ years.   Contradictions confuse and make control a lot easier.  With Mars in Gemini (the sign of two people) squaring Neptune in Pisces (the sign of two fish swimming in opposite directions) we are surely there.  The general public thinks they understand the meaning of certain ideologies, such as technocracy and sustainability, but in actual fact they probably don’t.   As I spoke about in my last blog, both technocracy and sustainability are at root not about technological ways to save the planetary resources – they are really about setting up a new economic system where these technocratic elites take charge of a new monetary system based on a system of energy certificates and behaviour.  

 And here is where the astrology of this lunar eclipse becomes important.   Saturn as I said sits as the focal planet of the Sun/Moon opposition.   Here Saturn could be reflecting the technocratic control, but he could also be reflecting the need for both sides to truly get a grip on the reality of what we are facing.

 Can this technocratic ideology succeed?   I don’t think so because ultimately it is based on making humanity inhumane.   I know that astrology ‘works’ – it works in terms of cycles of the collective together with its symbolic reflection of the nature of the human persona.   Therefore, there is ‘something’ – an energy - that connects everything together – something indefinable and untouchable.   Man has spirit and he has soul.  These are things that you cannot see, you can only ‘feel’.  Technocracy seeks to render man as nothing more than a computery robotic brain that just needs reprogramming every so often to make man see technocratic sense.  But man has consciousness, he has soul.   Yes, he is driven by his head brain, which could be compared with a type of programmable computer, but he is also driven by love from his heart brain, and intuition and instinct from his gut brain. 

 The technocrats’ tools are psychological manipulation and double speak.   Their mouthpiece is the World Economic Forum, assisted by many other organisations, some as big as NATO and the UN and some as small as the many thinktanks and peripheral organisations.  On the surface they appear unbeatable, but as soon as the people understand the energy of this lunar eclipse they can believe that we are indeed the 99% and that none of this can happen without our cooperation.   Don’t wait for the old life to come back – it’s gone and we must be in charge of creating the new.  Yes, this may take time, but we reach a point in summer of 2025 when all the planets from Jupiter out to Pluto are all in very early degrees of new signs and, therefore, at new beginnings.   Could this be a signal of some kind of very different energy beginning to emerge within the collective? In the meantime look out for the deceptions - they will become much easier to detect. 





[1] Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, Vintage Classics

[2] Patrick Wood, Editor, Technocracy News and Trends

[3] Graham Phillipson

[4] Nudge Department, Cabinet Office

[5] Mindspace pdf, British Government


[7] George Orwell, 1984, Penguin Books


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