The Three Monkeys and the Technocratic Takeover How Do You Want History to Remember You?

Well there’s certainly no mistaking we are right in the midst of eclipse energy, as the UK continues its political pantomime season.  The revolving doors of UK Parliament seem to turn very swiftly and now we have yet another Prime Minister in the form of Rishi Sunak who has begun by informing us that we are in for a lot of pain!   Boris flew in from the Caribbean, threw his hat in the ring, had late night meetings with Rishi and then jumped in the ring to get his hat out, supposedly for the good of the political party.   Perish the thought we might see a Blair/Brown stitch up – Boris didn’t say goodbye, he said hasta la vista.

 We are witnessing in ‘Clownworld’ what looks like a deliberate act of annihilation and undermining of the UK (stationary transiting Mars about to turn retrograde square Neptune).  Mars in the UK chart governs the 2ndhouse of financial assets and the 7th house of those we think are our best buddies, but who are more likely enemies.  I don’t feel we are watching distraction techniques – we are watching something deliberate.  Saturn, the grim reaper, currently sits with the UK Venus (finances) - we see inflation rise further and the pound tumble, potentially taking pension funds/investments with it (Venus rules the UK 8th house).  The Sun continues to track Venus (money, finances) through this eclipse period and the financial effect is very clear.  The eclipse ruler, Mars, turning retrograde between the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse of November 8thuntil January 2023 doesn’t bode too well.  This is a South Node Solar Eclipse; something is taken away from us.

 The ancients were incredibly skilled at calculating eclipses, showing just how important they felt they were in terms of what they augured.  This Solar Eclipse is visible across, and therefore actively affects, Europe and Russia.   Might there be an impetus within the current ideology of a OneWorld globalisation that Europe and Russia should become one Eurasia?  We see a rising in the tensions across Russia and the Ukraine – although the content of the information differs according to the source of the reporting.

 The allegory of the mystical three monkeys, who were said to bring strength and wisdom, can be traced back to Confucius in the 5th century.   The monkeys represented hearing no evil, seeing no evil, and speaking no evil.  The thinking was that if one concentrated on evil for too long, then that evil could reflect and take hold of the observer.  Therefore, if we just looked the other way, pretending evil did not exist, we could be not be blamed if we did nothing.  That has been many an inexcusable excuse during many atrocities.  A more modern alternative and opposite version of the three monkeys has them using their hands to actively focus their vision, their sight and their hearing, carrying the message that if we choose to face up to evil and speak out, then we have acted according to our truth.

 Saturn has now turned direct, and the final square of Saturn and Uranus by degree has broken, hence the final breaking down we are seeing currently.  Saturn and Uranus began their current dance in December 2020, coinciding with the Saturn Jupiter conjunction, as these two guys began a new 200+ year great cycle.   Saturn/Jupiter conjunctions are significant in terms of socio-economic changes.  They happen every 20 years, but outside this 20 year cycle there is a larger 200+ year cycle, characterised by their meeting in different signs but always in the same element (Fire, Air, Earth, Water). 

 The previous Great Cycle, beginning in 1840, was in Earth – in Capricorn.  This was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution – the beginning of private enterprise, the corporates, mass production, big business – essentially the beginning of our capitalist society; everything that Capricorn represents in a top down, hierarchical world.  The meeting in December 2020 signified the full change into the Jupiter/Saturn Air cycle, at 0 Aquarius.   But this was no ordinary Jupiter/Saturn conjunction – it also kicked off the Saturn/Uranus square and the ultimate breaking down of something in order to bring in the new.  Symbolically, Saturn and Uranus share rulership of Aquarius (the sign kicking off the new cycle) - anything new (Uranus) eventually becomes traditional (Saturn), but essentially it was likely to herald an era of technology and science (Aquarius), perhaps involving qualities relating to the mind and the ether, through which Wi-Fi waves travel for example.  The Saturn ruled side carries more elements of control and authority, whilst the Uranus ruled side is more about new discoveries, breakdowns and revolutionary, rebellious tendencies.

 New Great Jupiter/Saturn cycles are characterised by an initial entry into the element of the future cycle some 40 years earlier.   For the current cycle this was in 1981 – the birthing of the internet alongside new computer and phone technologies, as well as the Aids crisis.   Fast forward to 2020 and we saw a new plague instead of Aids, together with the beginnings of the rollout of 5G - nothing currently being planned today could happen without either the internet or 5G; think smart cities, surveillance, Internet of Things.   In 1981, however, we did not expect to be controlled by this technology.  (Saturn in Aquarius).

 As we began the new socio-economic cycle most also did not see the advancement of the technocratic takeover, in the form of mass global control of society, brought in under the trojan horse of the new type of plague; social engineering and control as never seen before.  Life in a technocratic society was demonstrated by Aldous Huxley in his supposedly fiction novel Brave New World in 1932[1].   At that point in time America had fallen into a deep economic depression – something that could easily occur now in the UK.  In the America of 1929 10,000 banks had failed, the economy had shrunk by 31% and international trade by two thirds; unemployment rose to almost 24%.  Corrupt politicians and malevolent bankers were widely believed to be responsible.  Striking parallels to today!!!   

 So, what is technocracy? Technocracy is actually the science of social engineering - the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population[2].  The technocrats believe that every problem in society can be answered by science and only science.  They believe that they and they alone should run society because they have all the answers to every possible problem.  The same attitudes pervade the ideologies of Sustainable Development, Agenda 2021, Agenda 2030, Biodiversity, Global Warming, Climate Change, etc. etc.   Remember the mantra during our modern plague situation – Follow the Science, Follow the Science.  This is such an Aquarian mantra – save society by following science.  Within scientism there is also no room for religion.   Science solves every problem - religion and spirituality cannot be rationalised.   Remember how the Church was effectively closed for business during the plague situation; something that has never ever been seen during its history.

 Interestingly, at a time where there is no questioning of the climate narrative, Technocracy uses energy as its accounting system – energy certificates are issued according to the amount of energy consumed in their making.[3]  So in essence the technocrats have first created the narrative, then the reaction of hysteria, fear and guilt to say climate change or plague, whilst all the time having their own solution readily to hand for the resulting economic collapse.  Technocracy was essentially a replacement economic system for capitalism and its takeover coincides with the idea of the death of cash and the installation of digital currency – a great financial reset, designed by scientists and engineers.

 As the new capitalists born out of the Industrial Revolution grew in numbers and importance, the idea of public/private partnerships began to emerge.  These capitalists became wealthier and wealthier as they became the oligarchical elite - their wealth and power becoming so great that by the present day they could buy government policies and politicians (e.g. Blackrock, Vanguard, Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation).  To promote their ideology they increasingly operated in the guise of charitable foundations or organisations for the greater good such as the Tavistock Institute. Names like Rockefeller began to gain prominence, bringing us Big Pharma from the by-products of oil and the ridicule of alternative treatments.  Also to promote the ideology we began to see a multitude of organisations, thinktanks etc., emerge. On the surface they all appear to be for the greater good and yet underneath there lurks something more sinister.  Organisations like the UN, UNESCO, NATO are said to promote peace, but is it more about totalitarianism, manipulation and control to achieve their narrative? 

 The early 1970’s saw another flurry of organisations – the Trilateral Commission, co-founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller, had the purpose of creating a New International Economic Order (NIEO) which was adopted by the UN in 1974.  The UN, just like the Bank for International Settlements, the bank of bankers, is untouchable and above the law.  And so modern globalisation was born alongside the transformation of the global economic structure through the imposition of technocracy and the demise of nationalism.  In 1971 we also saw the beginning of the influential World Economic Forum, headed by Charles Schwab, friend of great influencer Henry Kissinger – more furthering of the ideology.

 The Trilateral Commission gave us technology under the label of Sustainable Development.  Technocrats pretend that the goal is the saving of the planet, which is what most people believe Sustainable Development to mean.  But it is really about setting up the new economic system adopted by the UN in 1974, which will ultimately control the people.  In his memoir, Rockefeller said he was proud to be seen building a more integrated global political and economic structure – a One World; he was the ultimate globalist and globalisation is in itself the goal.[4]   And then who or what controls the world?

 Just as we have seen spouted by the WEF, in a technocratic world private property would be eradicated – everything would be owned and controlled by the technate and all conceivable human needs met by the technate as well.  The Internet of Things is Smart City technology which will enable the life of humanity to be easily controlled and monitored.

 Huxley wrote about a scientific dictatorship that relied on pleasure to control the citizenry.  Now the people believe that science will be their saviour from the destruction of the planet and certain destruction when, in reality, it looks as though it is the slavery to science and the technocratic dream that will be the ultimate destroyer of humanity as we have known it.  Huxley foretold that citizens would come to love their oppressors and the technology they provided.  Huxley’s brother Julian was a long-term eugenicist, serving as the President of the British Eugenics Society.   He was also the first director of UNESCO and President of the British Humanist Association.  And humanism, just like technocracy, attaches more importance to a human rational approach to life rather than a belief in the divine. 

 Since 2020 I have been searching for the big black spider at the centre of the web.   Maybe there is one, maybe there is not, and maybe it is not even human.   But what we do know is that there is a plethora of organisations controlled by a wealthy oligarchical elite, all feeding into the one ideology that technocracy and scientism contain all the answers, leaving no room for the faith or spirituality that has helped man over centuries to deal with his inner world.  Sustainable development is not what it seems – it is a means to monetise, control and ration planetary resources.  Scientism’s satanic influences feed on the fear, the most perfect control technique, and this has been escalated by ever more perfected and sophisticated mind manipulation techniques. 

 I am coming to see the outer planets – Pluto, Neptune, Uranus - as a kind of operating system upgrade for the unconscious collective of humanity.  We have Pluto allowing us to see the poison of the corporates.  Neptune is undermining the vision of God, with ever greater ideologies, whilst Uranus is used on a mental level to cut us off from our sense of safety and our identity with Nature.  All while Saturn exerts authority via technocracy. 

 Going back to the three monkeys, we are undoubtedly staring at evil.  So, rather than feigning ignorance, should we not adopt the alternative - open our eyes, dig down deep and investigate what is hidden?  Look at what some of these organisations are really about and what is really meant by terminology such as ‘sustainable development’ and ‘technocracy’.  Most importantly, be outraged and speak up before it’s too late, for all our sakes.   This technocratic plan, using energy and climate to gain economic control, has been decades in the making and we are now at a crucial, pivotal point in the history of civilisation. How will you choose to be remembered?  Will you choose to blindly trust these organisations?  Will you be another in a long line who chose to feign ignorance of evil deeds?  Or will you choose to become part of those who tried to speak out in the face of crimes which are likely to have a disastrous effect upon humanity?  This is almost endgame.  This is a New Moon in Scorpio.  Time to make some deep new intentions.  Stay centred with meditation or other meditative type techniques.   And most importantly stay love based rather than fear based.   Our brains may function like a kind of thought computer, but our heart brains function from love.

[1] Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

[2] ‘What is Technocracy’, The Technocrat Magazine, 1930

[3] Patrick Wood, Technocracy Rising, The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation

[4] Memoirs, David Rockefeller, 2003


The Road to Hell is Paved with Deception


Meanwhile in Clown World