What Price Freedom?


 The Akashic Records are said to be the compendium of all knowledge of human experience encoded and stored on the spiritual plane.  They hold the records of all circumstances and actions of consciousness - basically the story of the evolution of all souls - past and present knowledge as well as the unfolding of future events based on the choices we make.   We on Earth consider time to be linear but maybe there are parallel lives and maybe life is circular.  However and whatever time is, what is to be in the future informs our present because, come what may, we have to grow and evolve; something within us knows where we are heading and is pulling us to change and adapt.   

 Akasha has formed a part of many ancient belief systems, including the Greeks, the Chaldeans, the Druids and the Mayan cultures.   Interestingly the Mayan time-keeping formula brought us an end of times/change in our civilisation and culture in 2012.  Many considered that this was an omen of the end of the world, but in actual fact it was more that one culture of civilisation had ended, and another would begin.  

 The upcoming total solar eclipse on December 4th in Sagittarius is a call for truth and freedom, both sadly oppressed in ways I thought we would never see on our lands.  Sagittarius is very much the sign of higher critical thinking, of adventure and of exploration of foreign lands.   Freedom of thought is currently censored, and freedom of travel is very much restricted.  The eclipse chart suggests that we are in an illusory time where we cannot see what is real.  The Sun (leaders) sits so close to our mental faculties that our minds are literally blinded, particularly by media and ‘fake news’.   We can’t see what is true or what is real.  On the plus side we have the opportunity to enter more spiritual times but if we flip the coin, however, we are at a point of scandal, deceit, undermining and a veiling of truth.  And we have plenty of scandals highlighted at this eclipse – the Maxwell trial, the Evergrande default as well as impending shortages of food and energy, to name just a few.

 To deal with these uncertain times we must leave behind the superficial and have courage to enter the spiritual.  Never have we needed it more because the current panic and fear will likely exacerbate the subject of my last lunar eclipse blog - cognitive warfare and the theory of mass hypnosis - as the conditions for this become more and more ideal.

 This current eclipse sits with the karmic destiny point of the South Node and, therefore, suggests that we must deal with our past, our inheritance so that we can let go and move forward towards our destiny.   With the accent on the energy of Jupiter, who is currently in the sign of Aquarius, we may be seeing more of Jupiter’s shadow side which would allow the upsurge of control and totalitarianism.

 The mind records our perceptions and our actions and then proceeds to replay these patterns in our heads.   If we do not let go and forgive, our minds become a prison that is hard to escape.    By going deep within to our Akashic Records we can access our subconscious mind, make choices and take action.  But first we have to still our minds and meditate to go deep into our unconscious so we can view what is in our Soul. 

 December sees the final Saturn/Uranus square, as well as a change in the axis of our karmic destiny – the Moon’s nodes.  We move from the more mental changeable Gemini/Sagittarius axis to the fixed axis of Taurus and Scorpio.   So, whilst the solar eclipse chart is a fiery, changeable one, the Saturn/Uranus square and changing signs of the nodes highlight a note of fixity, entrenchment, digging in, stubbornness, as we reach a milestone of social revolution.   Fixity, however, can offer stability and endurance.  But, alongside the extremeness of Saturn/Uranus and the sign of the eclipse we may be led into magnification and ‘over the topness’, particularly with the Sagittarius tendency of extreme ‘righteousness’!  

 So, what as a society do we need to let go of at this eclipse?  The Saturn/Uranus square represents the old versus the new, control versus freedom, traditional versus counterculture.   It represents our fractured world.  The new is coming anyway but how do we embrace it; how do we view it less suspiciously and ensure it is for the good of society?  Our last huge counterculture period occurred in the 1960’s.   Interestingly the mid 60’s were also a time of a Saturn/Uranus square and a Taurus/Scorpio nodal axis.  However, Saturn was in Pisces rather than his own sign of Aquarius as he is currently, so we did not see the level of control imposed on society that we see now.   Instead, a generation of young embraced free love, new spirituality, new music, a new way of dressing. Life was also gearing itself up for computerisation but there was still some sense of innocence.   I grew up in the sixties, saw the Beatles, wore mini skirts that I could barely bend over in – all probably very alarming for my mother. 

 However, the mid 60’s was also a peak in activity during the devastating Vietnam War.   Lyndon Johnson had increased the numbers of American troops taking part, and the extremely harmful and toxic Agent Orange was sprayed over the forested areas of the country to kill off the vegetation that provided cover for the Vietnamese forces.   However, this liquid was so toxic that it caused a legacy of sickness for both the Vietnamese and the US veterans who fought there.   This idea of something very toxic being in the shadow is very Scorpionic.  Are we having our own Agent Orange moment right now?  I remember this time vividly because I was working for the company that produced one of the main ingredients of Agent Orange.   I was in the PR department and remember horrific pictures of the outcome.  However, the battlefield has changed.   The battle now is for our brains and our mental faculties.   I wrote about just this in my last blog and how the conditions are ripe for totalitarian type control by technocrats through technology.   Keep bombarding souls with ‘fake news’ and lies and the mind cannot deal with the illogical.

  Scorpio seeks power because it fears powerlessness.  Scorpio speaks of trust because it does not trust.  Scorpio speaks of fear whilst Taurus wants safety and security.  If the fear becomes too great, then our ability to plan strategically and to think critically gets switched off.   In the midst of a Saturn square Uranus aspect, the tendency is to go to extreme lengths –let’s use a sledgehammer to crack a nut!! Scorpio is a sign of obsession and intensity – it is a sign that hides, buries, keeps things secret.  Scorpio is co-ruled by Pluto – the God of the Underworld who abducted, raped and imprisoned Persephone the daughter of Demeter the Goddess of the Earth and the Harvest.  Neither the Earth nor the Underworld came out with what they wanted though.  Demeter got her daughter back but only for six months of the year – both she and Hades had to compromise – whilst the Earth became barren for six months of the year as winter arrived and the crops didn’t grow. 

 At this eclipse we must seek redemption and transcendence rather than repeat the sins of the past.  Masters of the Akash speak of the importance of forgiveness and letting go.  If we don’t our hearts harden, our wounds can leave us with anger and desire for revenge and we repeat the very sins of the past that we vowed never to create again.  But at the same time the scapegoat and the object of our torment changes, making these sins appear to be justified.  Very Scorpionic.  The wounds we bury begin to putrefy, become toxic and are invited back.   

 I find it interesting that the countries that have experienced oppression in different forms in the past are suffering again severely right now – for example aboriginal Australia, Austria, Germany, Slovakia, South Africa.   With Scorpio/Taurus as the axis of karmic destiny we have to acknowledge and release from putrification what is in the shadows so that we can heal and build proper foundations (Taurus).   

 Scorpio is ruled by Pluto (the God of Death) and Mars the God of War – if we don’t deal with our shadow, it may kill us.  Taurus on the other hand is ruled by Venus, the Goddess of Love.   If we do not heal the shadow, we cannot find pure love.   At the eclipse Venus is holding hands with Pluto – is Persephone in danger of being pulled down once again into the Underworld?  

 So, how do we find the love and forgiveness to allow us to heal? Venus sits in Capricorn and, in combination with the fixed part of this chart, suggests that to avoid her fate she has to put in some hard work and be realistic.   Neptune has been standing still for some time now, but he has just moved direct – we can be rescuers, but we must not become victims.  We can find succour in the spiritual but it has to be real.   We can’t get away with playing at spirituality, chanting off about fairy dust and sparkle, getting lost in so called spiritual new age gobbledy gook.   There’s no time.  We must not get lost in the drama of the narrative.   Instead, we must decide what our personal narrative is and be in control, rather than allowing ourselves to be buffeted in the wind at the mercy of the desires of others.   Again, we go back to the Akashic Records and gaining access to our own narrative through the medium of meditation.

 Saturn/Uranus aspects demand some kind of revolution and awakening, particularly now from cognitive dissonance.  As we reach the final exact square can humanity stomach living within this continual level of anxiety?  The counterculture revolution of the 60’s was powered by the young as we embraced the new and protested against nuclear arms.   But the young now are noticeably compliant and seem happy to trade their autonomy for the freedoms that were rightfully theirs in the first place.  

 Astrologically we are in a similar point of new beginnings coupled with harsh rules and decisions that we saw in the early 80’s.  This was the height of the Aids crisis where hype and scandal took over.   Only now do we see that this was not a disease to be feared and there was no need to stigmatise and shun a sector of society.  Is this part of the past that we must let go of and learn from?

 What is the sign of the eclipse telling us?   It is telling us to look from a greater perspective – look at the whole picture and not at one single issue.  The eclipse sits pretty close to one of the Royal stars – Antares in the heart of the Scorpion.  This Fixed Star is another indicator of extremes, caused by obsessions and intensity.  It can indicate ‘behind the scenes’ power games.  With this energy we must be focused.  Antares, however, is an indicator of being so lost in a drama that it causes our own undoing.  Sagittarius is symbolised by the archer – so we must aim the arrows of our hopes and dreams high.  We must believe.

 At this eclipse we can heal our wounds, we can heal our shadow – we have that chance.   But we have to be real, and we have to put in effort.  Venus also represents our financial and values systems.   As our cash system is being tortured to death, those with their fingers deep in the money pies call the shots.  How many who would consider themselves to be spiritually evolved would in truth actually press a button of spiritual evolution which at the same time would mean leaving behind financial security, luxuries and an everyday way of life with all its conveniences?   It is time to consider what our values really are.  



Are all the ‘cojones’ dangling from the Christmas trees?


Cognitive Warfare meets Mass Hypnosis in the Battle for Your Brain