Are all the ‘cojones’ dangling from the Christmas trees?

 As we approach the final Full Moon of 2021 and the final exact Saturn Uranus square, events outside our control are speeding up and intensifying around us.  It feels as though there are black clouds above - a pall of heaviness sinking lower as the hand of tyranny casts shadows across our Earth.  Of course, tyranny has been seen before but not at a global level and not in countries previously associated with freedom and the rights of the citizen.   Are we in the midst of a coup d’etat by plutocrats, technocrats and scientists who now hold enough wealth to ‘buy’ everything around them?   If we are, then do not be fooled; this will not be temporary - it will be almost impossible to get our freedoms back if we let them go.  

So doing nothing is not an option.  This is an intense and powerful Full Moon – the Sun sits right on the Galactic centre and its phase links to the solar eclipse of June 2020 on the world point.  We are at a pivotal point for the energy of the whole World and the raising of its consciousness – that’s why it feels so strong..

The Full Moon is in Gemini, the sign of connection, networking, curiosity, ideas.  Gemini is concerned with data – all data – and data has the value of gold dust right now.   The tech companies have always been after our data, but it wasn’t that long ago that GDPR was king and data was private.   However, bring in an element of fear and the status quo changes fast.   All your data in in one place (think digital identity) is so dangerous for our lives – it’s what we are told NOT to do.   It allows for complete wipe out and control.    

At a Full Moon the Sun and the Moon sit in opposite camps – divided.   Very symbolic of life today, particularly if we look at the Sun as leaders, governments, and the Moon as the people.  And in this Full Moon chart set for London the Moon, the people, are very much a target - every other planet sits in the darkness below the horizon.  However, the Moon is in the 8th house of crisis, fear, mortality and the assets of others.   Venus (relationships and money) is standing still waiting to turn retrograde and go back to Pluto.   However, Pluto’s threat is covert.   Look out for the wolf wearing a red hooded cloak.  But Full Moons reveal, they are the harvest point of what is being created.   They are the explosion point.  So, we must ensure that we can see clearly, that we can differentiate between propaganda, manipulation and evidence backed data.   Geminis have a natural connection with seeking answers and a curiosity for facts and information; they are the Inspector Cleusots of astrology.   So at this point ask questions.  Think logically.  Does the end justify the means?

As a mutable air sign, Geminis can find themselves blown about on the wind and so, if they are not grounded by evidence and facts, they can become anxious and free floating.  This keeps the brain in a constant fight or flight mode and then the part of our brains that governs strategic action and decision-making can’t switch on.   So, we must find ways to give our minds a chance to calm and step away from fear.   That can happen in many ways – meditation, yoga, a walk in nature, being creative.  Absolutely vital though now because how we act and the decisions we make are what counts going forward.  

This Full Moon is in a harmonious aspect to Jupiter – planet of growth, optimism, belief and the morals that underpin society.   But Jupiter inflates and can play God – in this mode he can be pompous and overly proud, leading to over-reaction and exaggerated responses turning a molehill into a mountain.   Is this happening now?

Many of our current religious festivals piggyback their dates on the old Pagan festivals.   So, long before we began the Christian festival of Christmas, we feasted around the dates of the 17th and 23rd December to celebrate the Winter Solstice and to honour the planetary God Saturn.  In Rome sacrifices, banqueting, gift giving and continual partying overturned the conventional social norms as the festival of Saturnalia was celebrated.  For the Romans Saturnalia revered the ancient Golden Age when the world was ruled by Saturn, who then was an agricultural deity - Saturnalia was a celebration of light leading into the winter solstice.  Saturnalia was also a period of role reversals when the formalities of masters and their slaves was dropped.   Slaves were treated to a period of banqueting and freedom – possibly dining with their masters or even being served by their masters.   It was a holiday from all forms of work, school and exercise and gambling was permitted for all, even slaves.  It was a time of freedom and equality.   

Civilisations have come and gone.   Climates have cooled and warmed.  Empires have been built and then through greed and power have destroyed themselves.   Nothing stays the same for ever.  Through all this Mother Earth has adapted and survived.   Only the arrogant plutocrats can think they can control her. 

So, give thanks to our Earth and to the Sun.  The Sun at this Full Moon seeks freedom and independence – qualities we are losing.   In Sagittarius the Sun is able to put things into the bigger perspective where It makes no difference if you have nothing or if you are a billionaire; without our Earth and our Sun we cannot survive.   We come into the world naked and with nothing and we go out in a similar fashion.   Strip us back and we are all the same and we all rely on our Earth for survival.  It is the Earth which gives us our succour, it is the Sun that makes our lives possible.  We are nothing without our Sun and our Earth and we cannot control them.  

So, take time out of our currently uncertain lives to celebrate and feast with thanks to the Earth’s bounty, so we come back with renewed vigour.  Remember that we all come into life and out of life in the same way.   Make time to question and to put what is happening into perspective - our judgement day comes according to the actions we make.  And when everything looks like it’s going to the dogs around you, try to stay strong, stand in your own power, raise your consciousness and work from your higher beliefs.   When the world and your way of life feels as though it is imploding, know that a new era beckons.   We have to face reality and embrace the new, but with the knowledge that the morally bankrupt who appear to be orchestrating a controlled demolition of our minds can be resisted.  This is a mental and spiritual war so it is our minds that need nurturing.  Tyranny was and never will be solved by compliance!!  Your ‘cojones’ are not for decorations – they are part of your soul and your soul’s purpose.



One Day At A Time


What Price Freedom?