One Day At A Time

Farewell 2021 – I’m not sure you will be missed too much.   Hello 2022 and to the first New Moon of the year, which is dominated by the energy of the planet of Saturn.   Saturn is Father Time, who brings us tests and trials; and this is evident on a very literal level right now.   Saturn governs time and we are now two years down the line from the news that first broke of a viral breakout near Wuhan, China.  How much our lives have changed since then.   How much we have lost freedoms since then.   What kind of control by QR code monster has been unleashed upon us since then?  

 Saturn is your waggy finger father figure – he is the paternal, censorious authority figure who supposedly has only your good in his heart; he just wants to keep you safe and well.   But when governments spend billions on advertising something that is supposedly for your own good it rarely is, especially when the rules that are ‘for thee’ rarely seem to apply to ‘me’.   Such a strong Saturn implies huge control.  When you see so much censorship around you know that something isn’t right.    Who embodies Saturn right now apart from governments?   The most obvious candidates are Big Tech and Big Pharma – who are laughing their way to the banks. They have achieved exactly what they want.

 Saturn brings us our tests and our trials.  And literally we are now at a point where fit people are assuming they might be sick and the concept of constant testing – with a kit that makes China wealthy – has entered our lives in what now feels like a collective insanity that most people seem to be regarding as perfectly sane.   Will this become an everyday part of our lives that our children will grow up to regard as normal?  

 On Christmas Eve we had the last exact Saturn Uranus square, although these two planets will still be in range of each other during 2022.   Uranus is the awakener – a process which he orchestrates through shocks and disruptive energy.   Whilst Saturn’s authority has been strong, the awakening side has been much weaker to process.   But that will change I think.  And at this New Moon we have the perfect opportunity to embrace the awakening energy of the Saturn/Uranus square.

Saturn in square to Uranus implies instability of authority and, therefore, instability of government.  So what happens when government feels challenged?  They govern harder.  And democracy begins to morph into the dictatorial.  Saturn’s authority feels as though it is one big giant Trojan horse where what is hidden within is chosen not to be seen by most.   If we get sucked in by Saturn’s authority our future will be dystopian and controlled.  We already have clear examples of what life would be like in that world – just look to China to see what control by QR code might be like.  

 2022 is a slightly different energy – it feels as though we are in the lull you feel in the aftermath of a storm – but I don’t think we will be out of the chaos.   There are two major planetary energies – the dregs of the Saturn Uranus square still in range and a one hit Jupiter/Neptune conjunction where both rulers of Pisces join forces.  The latter could be hugely spiritual but by the same token hugely chaotic.  But the storm clouds are still out there.    We are living in the context of the planetary aspects of 2020 and 2021 and we have no choice but to live with a stage set with those very storm clouds.   Now it is how we deal with those storm clouds that is so important.

 Jupiter, planet of expansion and vision, has moved into his own sign of Pisces, adding to Neptune’s energy there.  At this Saturnian dominated New Moon the only other inner planet outside this energy band is Mars, who in Sagittarius adds to the Jupiterian theme of higher vision and higher spirituality.  We must concentrate on the good this may bring and use that energy to bring in spirituality at its highest vibration. Do we raise the vibration of our beliefs, so we rise up above those clouds or do we stay at a 3D level where we are totally underneath them and controlled by their influence?   

 The only positive forward-looking hope is to raise one’s vibrational beliefs above those storm clouds so we can see what they really look like and so that we can leave limiting beliefs behind us.   In April for sure we have a huge potential for that.   In the meantime, a New Year and a New Moon are times for new intentions and new resolutions.   So let’s make our main intention to reach the highest vibrational goal that we can.   Instead of a tsunami of collective insanity, lets go for a a tsunami of the highest vibration of spiritual feeling possible.  

 And at a New Moon so dominated by Saturn I think we must also embody what Saturn demands – perseverance, effort, hard work, intention, knowing that we cannot ever have it all, that there will always be a lack or a hardship.   We must regain common sense, see reality and live with what is real and not with what is just an illusion.  And in terms of Saturn as Father Time – take one day at a time – some days will be good and some days not so good, but one day at a time.

 It’s an ironic truth that the big bad wolf we fear in our lives is rarely what gets us in the end.  All those poor terrified souls who believe they will die from a virus that 99.9% of people survive are highly unlikely to die from it.   They are much more likely to have their lives ruined by fear or by the lack of treatment for their other ills.  It is the lack (Saturn) of treatment for anything else, the lack (Saturn) of contradictory opinions.   So bring back common sense, listen to other opinions and allow yourself to decide what might be good for your future life.   Create your own destiny rather than being at the mercy of what Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Data considers is good for you as their serfs.





When the Foxes Guard the Henhouse


Are all the ‘cojones’ dangling from the Christmas trees?