When the Foxes Guard the Henhouse

When the foxes guard the henhouse, then ‘Houston we have a problem’.   We know that Big Pharma regulates itself, controls research and controls what papers are published.  We know that Facebook/Meta censors what they decide to be ‘misinformation’.  We know that certain companies monopolise – what happened to the Monopolies Commission?  At a Full Moon, however, events are revealed, they reach a climax and come to fruition.   And at this Full Moon on January 17th the Moon is particularly strong in her own sign of Cancer and has a particularly good view of current events.  We are entering a time where, despite the chaos and the veiling of truths, we can begin to really see and hear, and that has to be encouraging. This Full Moon is known as the Wolf Moon – in honour of the wolves who howled out their message during the night times of January.

  Always at a Full Moon the Sun (Soul) and Moon (Spirit) sit opposite each other and each month highlights for me the polarisation of opposites; we should remember too that the Sun can also be regarded as leaders and the Moon as the common people!   However, if there wasn’t duality we would not know the difference between dark and light, good and evil, night and day, the hunter and the hunted, the oppressor and the oppressed, the haves and the have nots, the sacred and the mundane, hope and hopelessness.   At a Full Moon it is much easier to view and see this duality for what it is.   

 In some ways there are similarities to the New Moon earlier this month in that a strong Saturn dominates.  At this Full Moon Saturn can still be seen as a powerful oppressor, and we can see the Sun trying to make his escape from the power of the God of Death, whose job it is to go down into the depths and purge out the unseen hidden toxins and unspeakable depravity, highlighting issues surrounding control, power and corruption.

 This Full Moon harks back in time to July 2020 and to April 2021.   In July 2020, if my mind serves me correctly, we were doing what we were told was ‘the right thing’ by stuffing our faces as full as possible in the ‘eat out to help out’ scheme.  April 2021, I think we were emerging from a lockdown which, although was ‘doing the right thing’, was particularly rough for many.   And at this Full Moon we seem to be in ‘nothing at all makes sense’ mode, whilst being constantly told that we must ‘do the right thing’.   My role as an astrologer leads me to try and join the dots and to try to make sense of non-sense. But you can’t make sense of non sense – so my first question for now to try and make some attempt to understand what is going on would be ‘who really benefits from our compliance in doing this ‘right thing’?  

 Venus (relationships, money and values) is retrograde until the end of the month; so, this is a good time to re-assess relationships that many may have found to have taken a battering over the last two years, what values we hold, consider our own financial situation and prepare ourselves financially for the inflationary times that seem to be already on our doorstep. I’ve described our financial situation for years as being based on smoke, mirrors and sand, fuelled since we entered this millennium by the desire to be a ‘have’ and not a ‘have not’.  But when something is built on smoke and mirrors the whole corrupt house of cards is highly likely to come tumbling down in the end.

 Social media and influencers alike have increased the rampant desire for the latest ‘whatever’ and, alongside this, more sophisticated mind control techniques have appeared in the drive to ‘nudge’ us towards certain products and opinions that lead to a desired outcome.  

 Growing exponentially also is the search for the monetisation of anything and everything.   What I feel we are likely to see next, unless the people really begin to understand what this Full Moon is showing - just how strong they are - is the monetisation of all that should be basically free to us – nature and the Earth – and this is highlighted by the Saturn/Uranus square (Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus).   

 With Uranus in Taurus, the sign most closely connected to the Earth and to Nature, we can perhaps see how the urge to tackle climate change might be changed and monetised by the views of fanatics who seek rich rewards.   And the energy of Uranus is strong right now because he is standing still ready to move into forward motion. With governance now so closely connected to non-government organisations, think tanks and corporate partners (the Global Public/Private Partnership) how long is it, if not already here, before your favourite woodland, free to roam in right now, becomes an ’opportunity’?  As humanity itself is pointed to as the enemy how long before so called natural assets become investment opportunities?   In the words of Ian Davies, the reason why we are now told we will own nothing is that private investors will own everything. Nature will no longer be the environment which “makes life on Earth possible” but rather an “ecosystem service” which creates a “store of value for investors”. As previously non-owned entities such as the oceans, the air and vast swathes of land become money making opportunities ( https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/the-not-so-great-carbon-reset-part-2).   So, dissect and listen carefully when you hear words such as sustainability and sustainable opportunities.

 We see at this Full Moon that Mercury – our mental faculties – has turned retrograde just before he would have made an exact involvement in the Saturn/Uranus square, but he got close enough to have an effect.  Mentally we have the time now to go over and re-assess the unprecedented levels of control and hypnotising through applied psychological techniques that have been taking place and have some degree of awakening to new theories and ideas.  We can perhaps understand that ‘real’ science cannot happen if debate is censored and decisions come from dogma.  And as I write this, I see an article saying that Word will now correct not just for spelling or grammar, but also in terms of political correctness.

 I was recently reminded by much respected, fellow astrologer Charles Obert’s views on the new era heralded by the Jupiter Saturn conjunction back in 2020.   He spoke on mind control and how Saturn in the fixed air sign of Aquarius would bring opinions that could be so fixed and fanatical that they could outweigh the will of the people.   And here we are now censored like never before, locked down like never before and ‘nudged’ like never before.    We are perhaps only just coming to realise the power of advertising and social media; how words, slogans, colours can hugely affect our ability to make decisions and how they form a huge part of this applied psychology management. There is discussion on how fear can lead people into a suggestible hypnotic state where they will do without question what they think will keep them safe.  Each end of the polar spectrum of our current situation considers they have right on their side.  Those who just wish everyone would do ‘the right thing’ live out of a fear that they cannot be safe otherwise – whilst those at the opposite end of the spectrum perhaps also don’t realise how they have also been hypnotised by fear of how their future is being taken down a dystopian tyrannical road.  

 This latter realisation, just as Mercury was reaching Uranus, was a ‘lightbulb’ or Eureka moment for me (very characteristic of Uranus).  Because I do so much research on either side of the narrative, I consider myself ‘awake’ but I had not considered that I had been ‘hypnotised’ and could also be living in fear of what the future might look like and how it might affect my children and grandchildren.   Dealing with this realisation is still a bit of a work in progress for me.  I realised I needed a positive change in order to pull back from the extreme when and if that extreme means that I do not live in the moment or that I cannot find joy in the moment.    For me I have to change the narrative in my head so that, whilst I still continue to research and form opinions, I can still live my life as opposed to living in fear of a future that may not happen, because if I live at the level of a future that may or may not happen I am actually putting in energy to actively create that very future I fear.    

 I think changing perspective has to come from many different angles; from meditation, from visualisation of living in a free and good world and from coming from a centre of strength, empowerment and sovereignty.   Two years ago I know I had that strength.   I can remember knowing inwardly that I was not going to get this disease and that, although I am in what would be regarded as the older more at risk age group, I would accept my fate but whatever that fate was I was not prepared to live my life hiding and, therefore, not living.

 Fast forward to the end of 2021 and I can see that my perspective had been ground down and had become to a certain extent fear based, but it was a fear of a future that has not yet happened as opposed to a fear of becoming sick.  So I have to revisit (a very appropriate action during Mercury retrograde) the attitude that first kept me strong, strengthen my mind by adding in the wisdom that the last two years has taught me of getting in touch and of manifesting the spirituality that will enable me to remain in a state of higher consciousness.   Awareness does not on its own bring the strength - that comes from within, from one’s own spirituality and from the knowledge that we create our futures from inside ourselves just as much as it is created from external influences.

 We are sensory, electromagnetic beings.   Our bodies are miraculous in terms of their ability to withstand external influences, but we also have the extra intangible quality that is our Soul.   And we have a ‘daemon’ or driver of the Soul that, alongside our temperament or character, helps us to achieve our Soul’s purpose.   

 One manifestation of the Saturn/Uranus square is disruption to our earthly body by technology and perhaps even some kind of ‘electricity’.   I’ve steered away from discussing the roll out of 5G but it was noticeable that when we hit the first lockdown the one thing that increased its pace was the construction and roll out of 5G and its masts.   I doubt whether the introduction of extra radiation/wireless type waves will go unnoticed by our energetic fields. 

 So, be aware that whilst much is happening externally to take us off message in terms of our Soul’s purpose it is just so important that we stand strong, use all the spiritual tools possible to stay centred and sovereign.   Meditate daily, cleanse your crystals and be open to learning new skills. Be aware and informed and above all remind yourself not to live from fear – whether that be fear of the present or a fear of a future not yet formed.   In other words, live and walk the line in the present moment that your Soul has come here to do. 


Live Like A Tiger


One Day At A Time