We are where we are meant to be
Weird title I know. I should have been on a beach in Spain right now– that didn’t happen for obvious reasons. Then I decided to get some crisp clean Devon air, which for sure was lovely. I had everything written and prepared for the New Moon and the Spring Equinox but as the current situation progressed they just didn’t feel right. Then my laptop decided to have a funny turn and corrupt itself. So, alongside my underlying anxiety about being away from family and friends, I decided to come home to a working computer and do a complete rewrite.
The words ‘we are where we are meant to be’ would not leave my head so, whilst they may not be what people want to hear (and for sure neither do I) I have learned to listen to my gut instincts. What we are facing right now does align with the Universe, although I have to admit I hadn’t factored in a pandemic.
Those of you who actually manage to read my lengthy articles (if you do my thank you) would know that I have been writing a lot about 2020 being a period of huge changes and new cycles. I wrote I think that the new cycle at the end of this year could be as small as the Industrial Revolution of the mid 1800’s (and that changed people’s lives dramatically) or as big as a civilization type change.
I had hoped that it would be more a reset change like the Industrial Revolution – which, occurring in Air and beginning in Aquarius, would likely symbolise a greater move towards Artificial Intelligence, robotics, technological and scientific discoveries, colonization of space etc etc. All probably still coming true - we can see already how we are rapidly being propelled into working remotely from our home environments. But Aquarius is also about finding the truths of life, the community and social order without hierarchy. Maybe we will realize we are all together in life.
As I have also said many times, the future tells the past what needs to happen so that the future happens as the universe decrees. We don’t like change and tend to do so only when we are forced. Money became our God and with hindsight Nature has been screaming many messages at us to change our ways as our lives became more and more out of kilter with her rhythms.
We have a new Moon in Aries on Monday, 24th March – very soon after the Sun’s entry into this sign marked the Spring equinox. A New Moon is new beginnings and intentions as is Aries – Aries marks the start of the astrological New Year. And the chart I cast for zero degrees Aries shows the UK set for a huge wake up call – a scene that sadly is set for the next three months.
The New Moon sits closely with Chiron (the wounded healer) and squares the Nodes (karmic destiny) and that’s all really. In plain language we move forward wounded and in pain and how we react and respond to the crisis we are facing determines our destinies.
As I have said we have a huge line up in Capricorn (an earth sign) signifying some kind of breakdown of things we know, things that are familiar and traditional. This could be structures, economies, institutions and even ‘too big to fail’ corporates. It appears almost like a death/rebirth situation. Yes there will be huge change but before change you have to have breakdown and that’s virtually the point we are at now.
The virus is the event that will now precipitate the big change. In January, as we had the beginning of one of the cycles of change this year (the meeting of Saturn and Pluto), the news began breaking as to how deadly this virus actually was. At that point we had a huge close line up of planets in Capricorn (structures) - Mars (conflict/the virus), Jupiter (expands all he touches), Saturn (boundaries, rules, the elderly, restrictions), Pluto (death, purging, manipulation, pandemic) and Ceres (Mother Earth). I think Ceres coming into the picture was like Mother Nature saying ‘Enough’s enough. I’ve warned you so many times and now you must sit up and listen’.
We are now likely to face a breakdown of life as we know it, as we face this pandemic (Jupiter/Pluto). Expect draconian, authoritarian measures the like of which we have never seen and also expect in particular the loss of huge numbers of elderly (Saturn/Pluto). And alongside this expect one of the most tragic scenarios of Saturn and Pluto. Saturn symbolizes aloneness and Pluto death and we are seeing the plight of loved ones dying on their own because of the quarantine.
Jupiter and Pluto align exactly for the first time this year on April 5th (Jupiter = expansion and Pluto = pandemics) so we are likely to see the global peak of the first wave around this time.
Saturn at this New Moon has just moved into Aquarius for a short while before he makes his full entry into his new sign at the end of the year to begin the new Jupiter/Saturn cycle which, as I have written, will mark some kind of big change within our civilization and the way we live.
Aquarius is very much about the group and a new order and, as Saturn slips into Aquarius for a short while, we are seeing his meaning in terms of restriction with the new words we already know so well – self isolation and social distancing.
But Saturn ultimately is not just the Grim Reaper – he is the Teacher of Lessons. Going forward we have to truly learn how to work together as a group - how to become a real commune and community. Maybe one person is the natural leader but that doesn’t mean that they pocket all the money and live in splendor at the top of the hill looking down on the rest who barely get by. No this is about teaching us to truly capitalize on everyone’s individual skill and to truly work together for the good of humanity and the good of our planet. We can only do this once we start to attune ourselves back to the rhythms of the land and the Universe and realize that we must care for planet Earth rather than just take from her.
Right now we are staring an enemy of humanity in the face. And, despite what we have done to her, Mother Earth will be the survivor. But how do we go forward? At the moment we are seeing extremes of the best and worst in people – those who strip the supermarket shelves thinking only of themselves, pushing the vulnerable out of the way as they do so. But we are also seeing the other side with those who are looking after the sick, the elderly and the less fortunate. This total stripping of the supermarket shelves seems peculiar to the UK – it doesn’t seem to be happening on mainland Europe. I wonder why.
In my road we are pooling our growing potential. We have two greenhouses and three growing areas and we will work together to grow food. We all look out for each other and our families. And we will begin to re-evaluate what we truly hold dear. For instance if your house was burning and you had to save your possessions, would you save your favourite dress or the memories carried in your photographs?
Saturn in Capricorn is very much about battening down the hatches and defining borders. But I just have this nagging feeling in my gut that we are making some wrong decisions.
Roll back to something similar – it is 2001 and foot and mouth disease arrives in the UK, which devastated agriculture. Jupiter and Saturn had recently met at the end of Taurus (the sign most associated with the Earth). Then Jupiter went on to aspect Pluto (like now but this time an opposition). Reactions went overboard (Jupiter) and we saw almost 4 million animals slaughtered (Pluto). Pyres of burning carcasses became familiar heartbreaking sights.
I can’t explain what I feel now and I could well be wrong. And with this line up in Capricorn I guess it is meant to happen. But Pluto and Saturn are also aspects of great fear and we don’t always make our best decisions from a point of deep fear. But, as the title of this article says, we are where we are meant to be - I suppose in order to reach our future. And perhaps my nagging feeling is that this current event is yet to bring in something else. So get your affairs in order, protect your loved ones and protect your finances if you can so you have something to go forward with when we come out the other side.
Stay safe everyone and thank you for reading.